Preparing business taxes for in-home daycares requires a higher learning curve and attention to detail than the typical small business tax preparation.

Fortunately, Dunn and Apell Accounting specializes in preparing taxes for the Childcare industry and is therefore well-versed in the complex nature of daycare tax preparation. We can help you navigate the specific tax laws and regulations that apply to your business, such as the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, and ensure that you take advantage of all the deductions you are entitled to.

What makes in-home daycare taxes more complex than other small businesses:

  • High-Volume of Recordkeeping:
    In-home childcare businesses often have a high volume of transactions, such as payments from parents, payments for supplies, and payments for employee wages. It can be difficult for you, as a business owner, to keep track of all these transactions and ensure they are correctly recorded for tax purposes.
  • Complex Tax Credits:
    As a childcare provider, you may be eligible for certain tax credits, such as the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, which can be complex to calculate and claim.
  • Employee Taxes:
    If you have employees, you must correctly withhold and pay employment taxes, such as Social Security and Medicare, and file the necessary forms with the government.
  • Additional Tax Reporting:
    In-home childcare businesses may also have to file additional forms, such as Schedule C (Profit or Loss from Business) and Schedule E (Supplemental Income and Loss), which can be complex to complete.

Overall, the business taxes for in-home daycares can be more complex than other small businesses due to the specific laws and regulations that apply to this industry and the need for accurate and detailed recordkeeping. Our licensed accountants can help you navigate these complexities and ensure that your taxes are filed correctly and on time.